Common Name: African Mask Plant
Scientific Name: Alocasia Amazonica
Thrives in loose, porous, well-drained soils. Native to Asia, is also called an Elephant Ear Plant because of their very large, glossy, heart-shaped leaves with wavy edges.Plant Information
- Plant Type: Tropical
- Scientific Name: Alocasia Amazonica
- Benefits: Purifying the air and increasing humidity in the dry chill of winter.
- Lighting Conditions: Bright light, but no direct sunlight and shaded for a good part of the day.
- Water Regimen: Water a little but often - keeping the soil moist at all times.
- Fertilize Regimen: Feed with a diluted balanced fertilizer from spring every 2 weeks and stop at the end of August.
- Spread Dimensions: Can grow up to 4 feet tall, with leaves 20 inches long or more.
- Temperature Requirements: 18-24ºC +
- Humidity Requirements: Slight High