Plant Information

Common Name: Prayer Plant

Scientific Name: Maranta leuconeura

Prefers well-drained soil. It's a flowering plant of the family Marantaceae, native to the New World tropics.

Plant Information Plant Information

  • Plant Type Plant Type: Tropical
  • Scientific Name Scientific Name: Maranta leuconeura
  • Benefits Benefits: Help clear the air in your home by filtering indoor air pollutant.
  • Lighting Conditions Lighting Conditions: A shaded location that a light north window suits them.
  • Water Regimen Water Regimen: Should be kept moist, but not soggy using warm water.
  • Fertilize Regimen Fertilize Regimen: Every two weeks, from spring through fall, with an all-purpose fertilizer.
  • Spread Dimensions Spread Dimensions: 12 inches tall at maturity, with a spread of 12 inches.
  • Temperature Requirements Temperature Requirements: 16-27 C
  • Humidity Requirements Humidity Requirements: High
  • Notes Notes: Available Varieties: Red and Green Available Sizes: 4" and 6"