Common Name: Rubber Plant
Scientific Name: Ficus Elastica
Use well-draining and well-aerated potting soil.Plant Information
- Plant Type: Tropical
- Scientific Name: Ficus Elastica
- Benefits: Improve indoor air quality. Their large leaves can absorb airborne chemicals and break them down.
- Lighting Conditions: Bright light and a lots of it, but not direct sunlight.
- Water Regimen: The plant should be kept moist. This also includes damping the leaves a cloth or misting
- Fertilize Regimen: The plant should be kept moist. This also includes damping the leaves with a cloth or misting.
- Spread Dimensions: 1-8 feet tall and 2ft in width.
- Temperature Requirements: 18-27C
- Humidity Requirements: High
- Notes: Image shows a matured Rubber Plant. This is availabe in different sizes.